Saturday, December 5, 2009

Move the UN Headquarters

Once upon a time it was good to place a 'world changing' organization in a large city. You needed the resources that already existed to support that body. That was 50 years ago.

Today, that body doesn't need a presence in a large city, instead it has the potential to help uplift a mid or small scale location. I know that sounds strange but bear with me as I explain.

The UN like or dislike it has become a large influencial organization. Having it within NY is nice for NY but in the big picture totally unneccessary. Instead I would love to see the UN move to someplace like Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Haiti or some other small country. In such an environment the established influence of the UN in the world would be no less, however, all of the support all of the bureacrats etc. from the organization would suddenly be contributing to the local economy of it's local area.

The impact of the UN on the NY economy is relatively small (or should be) and relocating them to someplace like Haiti would suddenly increase the standard of living across the board in that country. It'll never happen because everyone wants to come to the US as part of their UN boondoogle - but if we could convince the UN to relocate somewhere like Puerto Rico or even somewhere (pretty much anywhere) in Africa)wouldn't the resulting economic impact help make the world a better place?

BTW, I'm not open to Europe, Russia or China which are all old powers - I could be convinced on portions of India.  My preference is for a country with a smaller economy that could be 'lifted' by having the UN support become a major "export" (or whatever you want to call it as a source of income - 'political tourisim'?.)

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