Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Well it finally happened.... I don't really have time for a personal blog but I keep reading things and encountering things in my personal life that I want to post about. Get another opinion out there that says things like 'What were you thinking?' or 'Hey, Reality Check here; and cashing it is going to cost." So I've set this up.

My first name as you might guess is Bill, thus the title "Bill's Opinions" because like everybody else I've got plenty. Of course as I've ready else where - everybody has one just like they have a butt, and everybody thinks everyone else's stink. So that pretty much puts things in perspective.

I'm not here to dispense a 'how-to' blog or a history of my life blog - this is a more of a 'Here's what I think' and oh by the way you might not agree - you might call me names - you might even link to one of my posts and say hey there's a different way of looking at that and while I might not agree I do see some new thoughts that will alter my opinion.

Things you should know up front -
  • I'm busy so I won't post every 20 minutes.
  • I don't believe in "man-made global warming" (note man-made is a key term - the earth warms some decades it cools others right now yes things are getting warmer not the claim of the "global warming alarmists".)
  • I think we have lots of environmental issues like over-fishing, poor forest management and over development.
  • I think Social Security was one of the best things ever created and over time destroyed via mis-management and failure to adapt by our government
  • I am a staunch supporter of the US Military.
  • I didn't vote for "W" in 2000, and think invading Iraq was a mistake, although I think his Father's management of the 1991 Iraq war is often under-appreciated and he deserved 4 more years for it.
  • I think we need to stay in Iraq until the job is done, and you couldn't have paid me to vote for Kerry in 2004 (btw, I also didn't vote Gore in 2000).
  • I believe its pronounced "K"-"OS" not "KOS" and the nickname wasn't a complement and the site isn't worth my time.
  • I think Rudy should drop out of the presidential race - and frankly he could take Hillary with him.
  • I think our health care system has problems - but most people are trying to 'fix' the parts that ain't broken.
  • I don't see parent's really watching out for how they 'market' their kids.

If you notice a pattern in the preceding it's because - yes, this blog is about MY opinions. I'm not looking for agreement - just a soapbox.

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